Monday, December 22, 2008

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam- A true Indian

Former Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is leaving behind a great legacy of true Indian, who is committed for the cause of his nation in every work he performs. I am not the only person who is praising Dr Kalam for his extraordinary conduct as missile man and Indian President; there are billions of people in India across all the sections who want to embrace his philosophy of Indianism.

This simply looking and a shy man has clearly changed our thinking about nation and role of president. He is a real hero not the filmy one but a real time hero who has proven to us that patriotism is still alive in India. This is his extraordinary trust on Indian people which make him shine above our rusting political leaders. He is a true leader, who not only demonstrates leadership but also help others in becoming leaders.

According to him, Indian need good leaders very badly who can take this nation to new heights and he is totally right because if one APJ Abdul Kalam can make so much difference than what will happen if we have ten, twenty or hundred people like him. He is a true leader because he believes in the legacy of making news leaders who can carry forward his dream ahead.

Today most of Indian political class is only a story of one man glory where these supreme leaders are not ready to allow any new leaders to come forward and take the nation to new heights. These leaders are only busy in promoting their families and faithfuls. In this kind of time getting a true leader like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is moment of real pride for all of us. In every way, Dr Kalam deserves a second term as Indian president but Indian political class was fearful of his increasing stature and his support among common people.

Dr Kalam has given us a chance to reclaim our nation from the hands of corrupt government servants, religious radicalism and political dominance. Dr Kalam is a true igniter of minds and he has already done that by seeding love for Indian in hearts of many Indians. It may not possible for many of Indians to achieve heights in life like him however by following his message of love; we all can transform this nation into a heaven on earth.

Also read-Book review- "Wings of Fire"

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